推荐几个靠谱的买球网站早就认识到环境和社区资源对农业的未来至关重要, the global food system and the 2 million U.S. farmers who make their living working the land. 农艺多样化, 谷物, 食物和买球比较靠谱的网站, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站正在将可持续发展更充分地融入买球比较靠谱的网站的核心业务,并将这种不断增长的力量带入合作体系. 该系统是建立更具适应性的全球粮食系统以及推荐几个靠谱的买球网站及其所有者取得成功的关键环节.
We recognize that sustainability is not new to agriculture or to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站. 与此同时,买球比较靠谱的网站有很多机会在可持续发展倡议中发挥更大的作用. 出于这个原因, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 is taking an outcome-based approach with a longterm focus on people, 社区, economic viability and environmental success. By focusing on concrete results, we will be better positioned to drive sustainable success across the cooperative system.
在2023财政年度, 通过广泛的重要性评估,买球比较靠谱的网站继续了解公司当前和未来的可持续性需求. The assessment included in-depth conversations with our internal and external stakeholders, including our board of directors, 合作社成员, 农场主和牧场主, key stakeholders from trade organizations, the financial 社区 and the next generation of agricultural leaders. 从评估来看, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站正在制定企业可持续发展战略,并努力将该战略整合到公司的各个方面.
在推荐几个靠谱的买球网站, we believe sustainability is inherent in what we do: making agriculture more productive, 用更少的资源帮助社区繁荣,养活不断增长的全球人口. 买球比较靠谱的网站目前和未来的投资将在这项工作中发挥关键作用,因为买球比较靠谱的网站利用创新的解决方案和技术来推动持续改进并提高成果.
消费者也将在寻找可持续解决方案和寻找从农场到餐桌的过程和处理信息方面发挥重要作用. Not only will they become more knowledgeable, 但整个供应链更大的透明度将继续为他们的决策提供信息.
As a global agribusiness leader with more than 10,000名员工, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 is committed to reducing our impact on the planet, 创造新的市场机会,为业主创造更美好的未来, 客户, 员工和社区.
Jay Debertin
President and chief executive officer